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By Peter Thorpe on

Time detectives—discovering the history of railway clocks

We get a surprising amount of enquiries about railway clocks. Luckily, we have quite a few records in the archives.

Our vast archive collections are full of amazing and fascinating documents like intricate drawings of famous locomotives by highly skilled draftsmen, letters & notebooks written by iconic engineers, and thousands of stunning railway advertising posters. But you may be surprised to discover that a relatively tiny collection of archive material creates some of the most asked-about archives we hold.

Not a week goes by without us receiving an email asking whether we have any information or history on a former railway company clock. I felt that this was a good time to explain how we can help you find out the history of your railway clock. I’m sure that at the end of March you were busy making sure your clocks were changed to the correct time as they went forward one hour—just imagine the job the railway workers had, as they were responsible for many clocks at each station, depot or works, all of which would need adjusting manually.

Time was essential for the running of the railways, indeed the standardisation of time across the country to Greenwich Mean Time was a direct result of the development of the railways during the 19th century. Before then people operated on local time depending on their distance from the Greenwich Meridian, but operating on local time just wasn’t practical for the railways which ran to a precise timetable so each station and signal box needed to operate to the same standard time.

Railway companies owned tens of thousands of clocks. Each signal box would have one, stations would have clocks in the booking office, on the platform, in the waiting rooms and in the station master’s office. Large stations could have huge numbers of clocks, all of which needed to be kept to time, and of course there were also clocks in offices, railway works and goods depots—time was so vital to the operation of the system. With so many clocks, the companies needed to know where each one was located so that they could ensure they were maintained in good order. So just like all the locomotives and rolling stock, the railway companies numbered and kept records of their clocks!

It would be wonderful if we had detailed and complete records on every clock, but unfortunately that isn’t the case and not all records survive. What records do exist in our archives vary depending on the railway company or BR region they came from. The records we hold tend to fall into three distinct types: clock registers, clock record cards and clock censuses.

Clock registers are numerical lists of each clock in ledgers, and always include the location of the clock but sometimes additional details.

LNER clock register no.2

Above is a page from of one of the clock registers for the London & North Eastern Railway (LNER) and its successor regions under British Railways—the Eastern & North Eastern regions. The LNER inherited clocks from many different companies after the railway grouping in 1923, and like just like their locomotives found that they now had multiple locomotives with the same number. So just like they did with the locomotives, they instigated a re-numbering scheme for clocks, and the registers we hold reflect that re-numbering, they don’t have any details of clock numbers prior to the LNER scheme, so if you have a clock with a pre-grouping number it isn’t going to be of help. The LNER registers just record the number, the specific location of the clock, the dial size and other details, and later notes often provide details such as a clock being sold or condemned or in a few cases even stolen.

The page shown lists some of the clocks from York. Most will have long disappeared from their original location, but at least one is still in place, and you may well have walked past it if you have ever visited the National Railway Museum. It is the 6610, a 14-inch double-dial hanging clock located at York Goods Time Office. This stands outside the goods shed that is now our Station Hall and the time office is now the office for the Friends of the National Railway Museum.

And as per the register there is another dial inside the office as well.

LNER Clock register entry for clock 6610
Clock No. 6610 – above the entrance to the FNRM office (previously the time office for York Goods)

We also have some registers for Southern Railway clocks. Southern seem to have taken another approach to their clock re-numbering issue—rather than have a completely new set of numbers, they decided to put prefixes on the existing clock numbers to designate what area they were from.

A page from the Southern registers, in this example for London & South Western (SW) clocks.

These registers provide far more information than their LNER equivalents, they include the maker of the clock, the date of purchase and even the price and have notes of repairs. As can be seen they can also be rather difficult to decipher, especially where alterations have been made!

Detail from Southern clock register entry

We don’t have registers for Great Western Railway or London Midland & Scottish Railway clocks, but we do have another sort of record: Clock record cards.

Examples of LMS clock record cards, one from Manchester Victoria West Junction and another from Horwich.

These provide locations, dial size and sometimes additional details such as maker and notes of repairs on the back, but not always as can be seen in the Horwich example pictured. We don’t have a complete set of these cards and there are many gaps, so if you are looking for information on an LMS clock, we might not always have the record you want.

We have a similar set of cards for the GWR, although it would appear that the majority of the clocks that we hold cards for were scrapped, so are not often not of of much help for people looking for a record of their old Great Western clock.

Examples of GWR record cards

The final type of record we hold are clock census records. We have a series of returns for a census carried out by British Railway London Midland Region in 1969. These consist of sheets returned by each station or depot. Below is one of the sheets for Carlisle Citadel station, a large station that had many clocks, this is just one of a number of sheets for the station. The information includes the manufacturer where known, and also whether the clock is “surplus to requirements”. As these records are organised by location, it isn’t really possible to find a location just by knowing the number, you would have to search through all the sheets!

BR(LMR) clock census return for Carlisle, January 1969

If you would like to delve into these records to try to find the history of your old railway clock you can make an appointment in Search Engine, our library and archive centre.

Updated December 2023 -We have now digitised our London & North Eastern clock registers and all pages can be viewed via our online collections site:

London & North Eastern Railway and Successors Clock Record Ledgers | Science Museum Group Collection

100 comments on “Time detectives—discovering the history of railway clocks

  1. Hi Peter,a very good day to you.
    I’m David from Malaysia. I owned a LNER clock number 4658,dial size = 12″.
    I’m really keen on the background information on this particular clock? Any idea how? Please advice. Thank you.

    David Teo.

    1. Hi David, The entry in the LNER clock register for 4658 has slightly defeated us on this occasion. It was at “Hull, West” the next bit we haven’t been able to decipher then “No.4 room”. It also confirms it had a 12″ dial. Unfortunately the chap who made the entry had a habit of making a flamboyant flourish at the start of every word, and in the case he has abbreviated the description, which doesn’t help with working out what it means! If anyone else does want us to check out an entry for a clock it is best to contact us through our Search Engine email address –
      Kind regards,

      1. Hello , I have a GER 12” clock marked 1307 , any information at all about its history would be most welcome. Kind regards . Phil Childs

    2. Hello,

      I am trying to find out some details about my LMS clock. It had a brass plate on the side saying “L.M.S. 11767”

      I hope you can help.



    3. Hi Peter is it possible you can help me with any information on this railway regulator I have please?
      John walker. South Molton St. London
      920 S.E

  2. Hi Peter

    Perhaps the finest example of a “Joyce” Railway Clock is to be found in the repositioned ornate clock tower which stands outside of Holyhead Station…dated 1880 and opened 17th June 1880 by HRH Prince of Wales….later to be King Edward VII. Travelling back and over from Ireland to UK since the early 1950s it was well known to me. My most recent encounter was Sunday 9th June when returning to Ireland having visited England. I took a lovely photo of it as it looked to be recently decorated and it looked stunning.

    Paul Browne

    1. Hi Paul,
      The Joyce clock at Holyhead is indeed a fantastic clock. Another ornate example is the one above the concourse at Liverpool Lime Street. We have numerous Joyce clocks within our collection, none quite as ornate as those!

      1. Hello, I have a LMS clock number 316.
        Can you tell what station it was from?
        Many thanks, Declan Sheridan.

    2. I have owned a British time recorder clock for around 40 years. It has a brass plate on the front.
      LMS R.B.K 2-10 I would be grateful if you could find some information on its location.

  3. Hi Peter. I own the station clock from Aldebough. I travelled on the last public train with my authorisation to collect the clock for which I paid the pricely sum of £2.00. Inside it states it was repaired at Stratford early in 1920. Clock has the number 3126

    1. Hi Terry,

      Yes, the register does indeed record it as being in the Booking Hall at Aldeburgh, it’s nice to know so many clocks survived and are still providing pleasure (and the time!) to their latest owners.

  4. Hello Peter,
    I have a LNER 16inch clock dial no. 10916. Do you please have any information on this? Any help would be appreciated.

    1. Hi Julie, 10916 is recorded in the register as being at Doncaster Loco Works, in the New Erecting Shop. “New” in this case actually means 1891 when the new shop was built to accommodate the larger locomotives that were being planned, the previous 1853 shop being unable to cope. The building is still in railway use.
      Best wishes

      1. Hi Peter, is am trying to find some information about a BR SW John Walker clock No 5237.
        Would like to know the locations of this clocks history please.

    2. Hello Peter,
      I inherited a12”LMS 316 dial drop clock no 12316.
      Can you provide an information about its previous life.

    3. Hello Peter.
      I have just become the proud owner of a MR/LMS 12″ drop case clock, made by Mann of Gloucester…about 1870.
      The LMS brass plate shows the clock number to be 11015.
      I am advised that the clock ended its days at Gloucester Eastgate Station…..would LOVE to have confirmation of this fact, if possible……living in Gloucester all my life!
      Regards Peter Berry, Gloucester.

  5. Dear Peter, i have a Joyce railway clock, 12 inch,LMS, numbered 2418. I realise that many of LMS records are missing, but any help or suggestions you could give me would be very much appreciated. The clock goes so well, & iwonder daily where it was stationed.Thank you. Kind regards. Peter.

    1. Peter
      I recently purchased an SER long case railway clock with 11792 stamped on the fusee mechanism with the SER logo is there any way of tracking down where this is from?

    2. Hi, I have an 18” dial John Walker SR clock number 336 SE. Is there anything you can tell me about this clock please? I believe it’s final location before being taken down was Stewart’s Lane Loco shed.

      1. Hello Peter
        I am trying to find out about a Railway clock
        It reads on the front
        B R N E 16227
        Any information is appreciated.

  6. Hi Peter I own a 8 “ dial BR(NE) railway clock serial number 3497. Set in a mahogany drop box case and I wondered if you had any records on it or where it was last hung.

  7. Hi. My father has a John Walker wall clock. The address on the dial (68 Cornhill & 230 Regent St) seem to suggest that it was made circa 1880, but it is also marked LONDON 3964 which I take to be a railways serial number. Do you have any records for this clock. Many thanks. Richard.

    1. I understand that the world’s first railway clock to be one which stood on a building of the “down” platform of Shildon railway station in its earlier incarnation.

      it is unfortunate therefore that history was not kinder, and the clock was not preserved in situ. Does the NRM have any further details of the history of this timepiece ?

  8. Hi Peter,

    I’ve recently restored an LMS 12″ dial office clock and wondered if you held any records of it. On the dial are the letters LMS and on the side of the case is the number 2405 on a small enamel plate. I reckon it’s circa 1930s. Any idea where it was located?

    Best rgds


  9. Hi I have a clock br m 23653 would you hold any information on this one? I think it’s possibly 1940’s/1950’s in date.
    Many thanks

    1. It seems to me that the history of most of the clocks is sketchy at best. I myself have just acquired a Gledhill Brook fusee clocking in time recorder clock. It came from a man who bought it in an auction in 2016 in Runcorn. It’s been in storage since then. It came with the manual , a working drawing and quite a number of British rail clock cards, some with names and trades such as welder, machinist, etc. The clocks serial number is 23105 which dates it to circa June 1927 on the tag below the face it says PRO no RBA. 8-21 IF anyone has any idea as to where the clock was hung that would be great. On the drawing there are several stamps one appears to say L.M.& S with the name of the company from Wolverton dated 1944. It also says on the drawing please return to shop 59

  10. Hi Peter,

    I have a clock which says BR 4001 which I believe is a signal box clock in North London possibly Finsbury Park / Harringay area. Do you have anymore information on it?


  11. Hi i have a small mantle clock that has L M R 17648 on the face do you have any record or history of this many thanks Eddie

  12. Hi Peter,
    I have a clock that was placed in my care when my Grandfather died about thirty years ago. He worked on the railway and lived in the Signalman’s house at Foggathorpe station in the 60’s and 70’s
    Having read this article I would be very pleased to know the origin of the clock.
    On the face it has : BR (NE) and the number 4969.
    Do you have any record of this clock please ?
    Kind Regards

  13. Hello Peter,
    I was given a railway clock as a wedding present in 1981.
    It has its brass LMS plaque, number 12745, and I understand it might be possible to trace which station it came from.

    It’s a standard 12″ hanging clock made by John Smith & Sons, Midland Clock Works, Queen Street, Derby. It is in oak, has three doors, and still runs well.

    I’d be most grateful if you could let me have any information you can about it.

    With thanks,

  14. Hi Peter My brother-in-law has just passed away and has a LNER mahogany cased wall clock numbered 15678.Iwas wondering if you could give any information you can about it. Many thanks.Frank.

  15. My father received a clock from British rail in 1986 for 35 years service but the clock does not work now, where would I get it repaired

  16. Hello Peter, my father passed away a few years ago and left me two railway clocks. I wondered if you could tell me anything about them. One is a John Walker, 1, South Molton St, London, serial number 127 S.W. and the other one has nothing on the face (my father had it repainted unfortunately but the numbers were barely visible beforehand) but engraved on the movement is G&B, SE&CRy and the case, pendulum and case door are all numbered 412. I would love to know where they hung, if possible. Thank you.

  17. Hi, I have a very large station clock, aprox 1 metre across, double sided, which my late father was told was from Glasgow Central station. He bought it in the 80’s at a railway auction at Glasgow central. It was made by Gent of Leicester. Is this something you might have any information about? It would be great to find out the history of it. I have tried searching the internet for pictures but they all show the main clock, which is still there.

  18. Hi Peter
    I wonder if you can help me with register info for my clock. It is BR-WR 4781. I have owned it for nearly 50 years, having purchased it from BR at Collctor’s Corner.
    I have been to the museum in York many times over the years and my friend Simon works there as an engineer. I would have liked to come and research this myself but now is not a good time.
    Thanks. Gary

  19. Hello Peter,
    I have a 16inch railway clock No 14104. Could you give me any background please

  20. Hello I have a L & N.W. Railway Company Clock which is also signed W WRAY BIRMINGHAM. It has the number 1428. Would you by any chance have any information on where this clock was located.

  21. Hi Peter
    I have an L.N.E.R. clock numbered 11967. Is there any way of finding out which station it is from?
    Thank you

  22. I recently purchased a 12inch diameter Fusee Timepiece Dial Station Clock.
    It’s hot on the clock dial. L.M.S.R
    Bottom right of the clock case is a screwed on tag that says L.M.S.R
    serial number 6072.
    I’d love to know where it was stationed during its life on the Railway Network.

  23. Could you help me please I have a BR(E) station masters clock registered number 12439 – would you know what station this was from ?

  24. Hi Peter
    Can you help identify this round dial clock, it has a label inside British Rail metal label BR (M) 19945 or 9945, possibly from Carlisle to settle line

  25. Hi I have a railway clock, the movement is stamped with-
    F.W.Elliott Ltd, England
    Up Right Arrow sign
    What is this Upright Arrow sign stands for? And the no 5000/31?

  26. We have a GWR wall clock, 12” dial, numbered 540. Is there any way of finding out where it spent its working life please? Is it likely to have been made by Kays Ltd of Worcester? We would be very grateful for any information.

  27. Hi. We have a GWR 12” dial mahogany cased drop dial trunk fusee clock. It has a badge on the font which says GWR 540. Do you have any idea which station it might have come from please.

  28. Thank you for all your questions, it is great to see there are so many people interested in railway clocks, it is a fascinating subject. As mentioned towards the end of the post and in a previous reply, if you have a question about a clock please do get in touch with Search Engine, our library and archive centre – email and we will try to help. Unfortunately I’m not able to monitor the comments on this blog on a regular basis.

    Between March and September our team didn’t have any any access to collections due to the Covid situation, so it would not have been possible to answer your questions over the spring and summer period , but we are now working on our backlog and have responded to multiple clock queries in recent weeks. The good news is that we are also reopening to the public on Thursday 5th November, so you can also book to come and look at our archives again if you want view the original records. See our website for details:

    1. Hello Peter
      We have recently brought a B.R.-W. Wall Clock
      With a brass plate on the side GWR 182
      Hope you can help in the history of this clock
      Yours PhilipWells

  29. Hello, hope you can help me?
    I am the proud owner of a MR 12″ dropcase clock, with a LMS brass plate 11015.
    It was made by Mann of Gloucester around 1870/80….but Would LOVE to find out if it was ever used at Gloucester Eastgate station?
    Many thanks for any assistance you can give me.
    Regards Peter Berry Gloucester.

  30. Hi peter I have a B.R. Clock with the numbers 11578 on . I’d love to know where it originally came from I gave £250 for it 25years ago and it works perfectly.
    I wonder if you can help?
    Many Thanks

  31. Hi Peter
    I have a clock which I bought from BR York in 1965 when the disposals were dealt with by a super guy called Mr Burn who had an office within the HQ building now the Cedar Court. The clock was made in 1885 for the Hull and Barnsley by B Cooke and Son of Hull and has H and B number 27. It had an LNER number, but I don’t know it. However they did tell me it was recovered from Upton near Barnsley only a week or so before I got it. Can you give me any info on this clock please? Regds Digby Lovel

  32. Hello,

    I’m trying to find the date of a railway clock (ticket office I believe) given to me by my uncle many years ago. He used to work at Eastleigh Railway Station in the 70’s.
    I cannot find a facility here to upload a photo but the face of the clock shows it was made for BR (S) by John Walker, 1, South Molton and has the numbers at the face bottom of: London 3140 SW. It is a mahoganay case with an 8″ face with hinged glass. Any information on this clock I’d be grateful to receive. My uncle died 15 years ago.
    Thank you.

  33. Hi there
    I have been handed down through the family a station clock painted B.R (L.M) and the number 1512 on the dial, (plus Joyce, Whitchurch but presume this is the clockmaker).

    Could somebody kindly tell me what B.R (L.M) 1512 stands for please, and where the clock might have originated from (ie what station or signal box)?
    Many thanks

  34. Could you please let me have any information on a Southern Railway Clock with the number 953 screwed on th case ?

  35. Hello.
    I have a LYR clock with the dial signed John Agar, 808, Bury – is there any information you can give me on this clock please?

  36. I have an English fusee dial clock which has written on the dial,BR(E) number14236 can you give me ant information please.

  37. Hi I have a BR Clock number 11578 , I believe this was a clock from Sheringham signal box unfortunately at sometime the face has been brush painted, and if is the one from the signal box I would like to get the face restored.
    Regards Jeremy.

    1. If from Sheringham, being a M&GN station, the location would have appeared on the face. Is there any legend at all?

  38. Hi Team
    I have a wall clock from GWR – Number 555 could you give some information on this rather special time piece ? Thank you

  39. Hello, my Mother has a beautiful LNER clock numbered 4646. Are you able to provide me with any information/history about this clock?

    Many thanks


  40. Hello Peter
    I have a LB&SCR longcase clock number 283B. It was purchased from BR in December 1972 for £5. It was made by Richard Webster of Cornhill, London in 1865 and sold to the LB&SCR for £4-19-6 (I think). It had been at Christs Hospital station since 1902, but I would love to know where it was before that.
    I would be grateful for that and any other information.
    Many thanks
    Best regards
    Bob Clarke

  41. Hello. Have recently acquired a 8″ BR-W clock BR-W 4249. Would love to know of any history or if not, your ideas of where it may have been located. Do not hold much hope as you say you do not have gw records but thanks anyway.

  42. Hi Guys,
    Can you assist me please with any know service history for the following clocks recently added to my personal collection:
    MRCo 12inch round head – No. LMS 12000
    BR(E) 12inch drop dial – No. 2597
    BR 8inch round head 9809

    Your help and insight will be greatly appreciated

    Thank you and kind regards


  43. Hi there I recently purchased the long since closed railway station at longhirst.
    I would be keen to know details of railway clocks which once adorned the station and to there whereabouts for possible purchase in the future
    I hope to restore the station it’s former glory as time and money permits

  44. Hi I have a beautiful large 18 inch dial clock marked JNo Walker 68 CORNHILL & 230 REGENT ST LONDON # 4219. Can you supply any information on this. Thanks: Jim

  45. Hi, I have an LMS 8″ wooden case clock. It carries the number 17131. Is there any chance, please, you could tell me anything about its history ?

  46. Hi, I have a railway clock made by John Walker which has the initials S.I.R. on it. Can you tell me what that stands for? Thanks in advance.

  47. Hi Peter
    I have an ex railway LNER clock which is numbered 7648 on the dial. I think this clock was in the boardroom at Marylebone for some years but I don’t know anything if it’s previous history

    1. Hi Peter I’ve recently acquired a L.M.S
      8″ wall clock 16807 seemed like its over wound & according to my local repairers apparently very dirty inside the escarpment quoted £275 but I love it & want to hang it in our kitchen just wondering if I can pick your brains to find out which station it belonged to please?



  48. Hi Peter,
    We have just bought a GCR railway clock number 7536. It has Grimsby written above the number and is reportedly from Littlefield Lane Signal Box that had a fire in 1990. I have asked a railway buff who said Littlefield Lane did not have a fire but the adjacent box, Friargate did.
    If you have any information relating to this clock it would be fantastic to add some detail to its history.
    Many thanks

  49. Hi Peter
    Are you able to provide any information on my 8″ oak cased clock marked BR 11440?

  50. How can I identify where my GWR waiting room clock hung?

    My understanding is that records were destroyed in a fire.

    Is there another means of investigation?

  51. We have had come into our possesion a complete Gledhill Brook Ltd Pulse clock Serial No 11911. I have numerous photographs of the clock and mechanisms. I am trying to discover the history of this particular clock or the type of clock. I have seen similar in telephone exchanges many years ago and suspect this example might have played a similar role in a railway environment. So far Internet searches have produced no photographs of clocks as long as this one or with the same complementary units. Would you like me to send you the phorographs I have and do you have anything similar that I might inspect if I made a visit.

  52. Hello, I have a wall clock marked L&SWR J.No. Gaydon, Barnstaple 227. Can anyone help me with research please?

  53. Hello,
    I wonder if you can identify this clock my father left me some years ago. I have tried but without success. Its a beautiful mahogony case with brass pendulum. The clock face states:
    L. & S.W.R.
    J No Gaydon
    I was always told it was at Barnstaple station but not sure which room.
    Thankyou so much if you can help. I am about to have the movement serviced to ensure it keeps good time.

  54. Hi Peter
    Could you please have a look through your records for a railway clock LMS 16588? I’d like to know where it resided when in use.

    Andy Stocks, Todmorden

  55. Hello there Peter

    I have an LNER 12″ drop clock no. 2018. I believe it was used in the Fulbourn, Cambridge booking hall and also at Newmarket station. Is there any possibility to find out the approximate age of this time piece? Would be most grateful for any information you may have or able to share with us.

    Best wishes

    Helen Smith and Michael Oakman

  56. Hello Peter,
    Could you find out for me where railway clock number 3776 was installed.
    It has L.N.E.R on its face and is 24″ diameter.


  57. Hello Peter,

    Are you able to check if station clock marked LNER, number 3776 was on Lowestoft Railway Station, and if so what happened to it.


  58. Hello Peter,

    So glad I’ve found your page. My father in law has BR(NE) 10633. Please could you shed any light on its origins? He believes Frizinghall.

    I look forward to your response.

    Thanks you,


  59. Good afternoon,
    I have recently come across a 12″ dial LNER fusee dial clock reputedly from York.
    It has the number 6821 inscribed.
    This has been associated with the Wages Office.
    Can you supply any info which substantiates this please?
    Any other details re this clock would be greatly appreciated.
    Deryck South.

  60. Hello
    I’ve got a 10″ dial LMS clock which bears the name W.Ross, the number 11822 and the place name Nottingham. I bought it some 35 years ago. I’ve just come across this site and I now wonder whether you have any details of this clock in your recrds.
    Thank you so much.
    Andrew Lewis

  61. Hello Peter,
    I have recently purchased an 8″ dial wall clock numbered L.M.S 16588.
    I have no information of its past life, Can you help me please?
    It is now in use on the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway at Damems Station level crossing signal box.

  62. Hello Peter,

    I have a six inch clock face numbered
    B.R. (S).

    Any information about this clock and where it was situated would be really appreciated. Many thanks. Charlie.

  63. Hello Peter,
    We own a British Rail clock, serial number 1421, and believe it’s related to Ely in Cambridgeshire. Would you have my info on this one?

  64. Hi Peter, I have a LNER clock number 12404. Do you have any information on it please.
    Kind regards Kevin Barnes.

    1. I’m researching a Lincolnshire railway presentation and wonder if you could supply the reference numbers of clocks issued to Firsby, Burgh, Willoughby and Alford Town stations in any era starting with GNR. Thanks.

      1. Hi Michael, unfortunately the LNER clock registers are in numerical order not arranged by station or location, so in theory clocks at the same station could be scattered throughout, so it would take quite a lot of work to create a comprehensive list of clocks at those locations. However we have just had the LNER registers digitised and the individual pages can be viewed via our collections site here:

  65. Hi, i have been after a railway clock for some time, there is one in our local auction next weekend and l wondered if you could tell me how i can check its authenticity. On the dial it has L.N.E.R. with number 316. Many thanks. Fiona

  66. Hi I have an eight inch BR clock with the number 11440. Are you able to give me any information on it‘a history please?
    Thank you
    Graham Weaver

  67. Hello Peter,

    We are interested in a Railway Clock with a 6″ dial marked BR-W with the number 4439. If you have any details of where this was located it would be fantastic.


    Sandra Howlett

  68. Hi, I have one Railway Clock. On it’s movement it is written :
    Upright Arrow sign
    what’s the ‘Arrow’ stands for? and the no. 5000/31?

  69. There is a LNER clock at our golf club numbered 6585 and I wanted to know where it originated from could anyone tell me.

  70. Peter,
    Good morning. Do you any plans to digitise what GWR clock record cards you hold?
    My lovely 16in drop dial GW clock No 1251 ticks away behind me as I type. I know where it came from at the time of my purchase in 1983 – but would be keen to know of its previous history. It was serviced after nationalisation, because the GWR ivorine plate was moved from the front to the side, but the tell tale holes remain on front face. This was standard practice when clocks went to Reading Wks clock shop post 1948, as well as the dial having BR-W added over the ‘rubbed off’ GWR letters. My hand was a lot steadier 40+yrs ago – so I carefully traced the GWR ’roundel’ monogram from a clock which still bore it and then painted it it on to my dial having first rubbed off the BR-W.
    John Jenkins

  71. Hello, I have a Joyce Of Whitchurch 12″ drop case clock, it has an ivorine number plate 4100, Judging by its elaborate and decorative case, I feel it may have originally been a Station Masters Office clock or similar? Would you have any records for it, it may have been in the North Wales area, perhaps LNWR or GWR?

  72. hi, i am currently doing a research on the station projection clock for the former tanjong pagar railway terminus in singapore. as i cannot find the insignia of the clock maker, would you be provide some expert opinion on the research direction? the terminus was commissioned on 2 May 1932.

  73. Hi I would love to know where my BR clock came from if you could please help I would be so grateful the Number is BR 11578 Hope you can help Many Thanks Charles Turner

  74. Hi, I have become the proud owner of LNER number 9305 with 12″ dial. It is a fusee clock. It is just visible that it says John Smith and sons, Midland Clock Works, Queen St, Derby. I think it was originally a GNR clock with number 1111. Could you tell me more about it, like how old it is and where it was situated? Anything would be much appreciated.

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