Nick explores a 1926 collection of photographs taken at Hull Docks, a facility with close links to the railway industry.
Photographic Archives Volunteer Nick has found some intriguing images in a collection covering the Nidd Valley Light Railway.
Photographic Archive Volunteer Anne McLean shares her love of a teenager’s set of photographs and letters.
Photographic Archives Volunteer Nick sheds some light on an unusual discovery.
It’s not only trainspotters who snap fascinating photos of the rails, as we discover in this post exploring one of our archive collections.
What do the railways have to do with art history? Martha, an MA student from the University of York undertaking a studentship at the museum, explains.
Stanhope Forbes’ poster ‘The Permanent Way’ is unusual among railway posters in that it doesn’t show an idyllic holiday destination or stylish engine whooshing through a scenic landscape.
Interpretation Developer Ruth Leach explores the photography in our collection.
Take a sneak peak at some of the fantastic railway photographs in our new exhibition, in collaboration with the Landscape Photographer of the Year award.
Volunteer Malcolm Timperley reveals what happened after locomotive Sir Ralph Wedgwood was damaged in an air raid during the Second World War.
Discover some of the unexpected surprises in our fantastic photography collection.
Our photography collection is full of amusing and unexpected treasures.