Many of our visitors to Search Engine are interested in tracing their railway ancestors. We offer some help and assistance in this area, but we’re aware that there is more material within our library and archive collections that may be of use to people, if they only but knew it. We thought by blogging about our “discoveries” more people would make use of them, so here we are with our first publication of interest.
The Official Year Book of the Railways Athletic Association (1927-39) was financially supported and recognised by all railway companies and existed as:
The value of recreation in creating esprit-de-corps, co-ordination in our business, and mutual interest in each others doings is undoubted, and, catering as it does for all classes of Railway employees, I am convinced that the Railways Athletic Association is serving a most useful purpose
(Sir Herbert A. Walker, Southern Railway, taken from Official Year Book 1927-8 “Our President’s Message)
Aside from the interesting insight into one of the reasons why railway companies in the past had such camaraderie and loyalty among its employees, it is a treasure trove for photographs and names of employees. Here are a few pictures to whet your appetite.

These publications can be viewed in Search Engine We’d love to hear from you if you think you’ve found a relative!