I can’t quite believe that it’s a year last week since I joined the National Railway Museum. First up was a tour of the Museum where I met a lot of people and instantly forgot all their names. I was then asked to have my photograph taken in front of an engine in the Great Hall holding a poster for an article in the York Evening Press (I was new and therefore couldn’t say no, so I was told). During the next couple of days we had a fair amount of snow and so I helped build a snow-train at the front of the Museum; it was quite fun, this new job.
I became familiar with the NRM’s replica Rocket during February half term when I had my first steam footplate ride, and continued this with an enjoyable trip across the South Yard on N7 which ran later in the year, taking great pleasure in sounding the whistle.

When a call for assistance in cleaning Olton Hall of Hogwarts Express fame came ready for its Wizard Weekend visit, I spent two very dirty hours clinging onto the side of the boiler, sponge in hand, hoping not to fall off and land on the person below me cleaning the wheels.
I have discovered that the museum holds over 1,000 paintings, some of which I have showcased here, more than 1.5 million photographs (no, as yet I haven’t memorised the locations of them all), and around 12,000 posters. With a collection like this it’s hardly surprising that each day I find something new in the collection that I hadn’t come across before.
For 2011 we’re looking forward to the opening of the new Art Gallery space and I’ll be working hard with the Exhibitions Organiser on some great opening shows. Watch this space for updates on those nearer the time. In the meantime: Happy New Year, and best wishes for 2011.