The loco is starting to resemble a Pacific as the rebuild continues.
It’s a team effort to get the tank lifted to accommodate the frames in the next phase of the restoration.
Welding. painting and snagging are the order of the day as the restoration steams through the summer.
In the workshop, progress is being made on the historic locomotive.
The back end of the tender’s looking good as new and plenty of parts are now being test-fitted and tweaked as things take shape.
There’s grinding, painting, scraping and cleaning this month as the restoration rumbles on.
There might be water in the boiler, but plenty of jobs are still on the go as the painstaking restoration continues.
Things are taking shape as the meticulous restoration continues.
Another month of progress, with paint, pressure-testing and pipe fitting.
The restoration team gets the new year started with reassembly, machining and more.
Discover the latest news on Sir Nigel Gresley’s progress from behind the scenes in the workshop.
Attention turns to complex piping runs as the restoration enters a difficult phase.