Our archive is full of treasures, including this wonderful drawing for a new locomotive for the fourth Duke of Sutherland.
Delve into intriguing and unexpected finds from our extensive archive of railway records, working drawings, personal papers, photographs and more.
Simon Batchelor continues his series of posts about the importance of the railways during the First World War.
Assistant Curator of Collections Simon Batchelor continues to explore the impact of the First World War on Britain’s railways.
What makes trainspotting such a popular hobby, and what should spotters do to keep safe? Amy Banks reveals what she’s learned while researching our Trainspotting season.
Simon Batchelor, Assistant Curator of Collections, looks at the internment of railway marine staff at the outbreak of the First World War.
Archivists normally hate the media describing archives as “lost” and “discovered”. My only excuse for using such tired clichés is that this collection actually was lost and discovered.
We’ve teamed up with the Railway & Canal Historical Society to create a new research tool based on the work of esteemed railway historian Alan Jackson.
Archivist Alison Kay explores what our collections can tell us about life on board a First World War ambulance train.
Volunteer Malcolm Timperley reveals what happened after locomotive Sir Ralph Wedgwood was damaged in an air raid during the Second World War.
Take a peek at some of the incredible objects from our archive which will be on display at our Hidden Treasures event.
Discover the stories our archive collections tell about the Great Central Railway.
This post is to let you know that our library catalogue is changing at the end of August.