In preparation for our exhibition Destination Stations, Ellen Tait takes a look through the Network Rail archives.
Ellen is an Interpretation Developer in the Public Programmes team at the National Railway Museum.
Our volunteers recreate a railway disaster, revealing what happened on a fateful day in 1949.
Now that Bonfire Night and Remembrance Sunday have passed we can begin to look forward to winter, and for film buffs that means the start of awards season.
Our graphic designers dig into the archive to find inspiration for our Christmas posters.
Find out how Italian volunteer Monica Bottin got on working at the museum over summer.
Ellen Tait explores her family’s experiences of the First World War.
Ellen Tait provides an update on the ongoing conservation works being undertaken on the Borough Market Junction signal box.
We’ve been going through all the toys in the National Railway Museum’s collection. It might seem a bit odd that we collect toys, but as every parent knows, kids love trains.
Karen, our librarian, shares one of the rarer books from our collection.
It’s February half term and we’ve got some fantastic activities happening at the National Railway Museum.
Railways have always been linked to romance, either in the world of fiction or the real world of meeting loved ones under station clocks.
Ellen Tait traces the renovation of a Victorian railway icon.